The 2024 edition of the GIFCO (Gruppo Italiano Fabbricanti Cartone Ondulato) annual conference took place in Trieste.


The two-day GIFCO conference in the enchanting location of the Savoia Excelsior Palace Hotel in Trieste ended on Saturday 11 May.

The customary annual appointment represented an important opportunity for all members of the GIFCO Group to meet, compare and update, consolidating the bond between the participants and deepening topics of common interest.

During this edition, key topics related to digitisation, new technologies, sustainability and artificial intelligence were addressed, offering all participants food for thought and insight into very topical and relevant issues.

The speakers were very engaging and were able to share their expertise in an engaging and stimulating way, making the conference experience even more enriching.

Many thanks also go to our CEO and GIFCO President, Fausto Ferretti, for his guidance and enthusiasm in organising such a significant and successful event.