Training plans

People are our main focus and we take care of them.
Professional development and training of our staff are crucial aspects of our company culture.

Fepa  - Immagine - Le Nostre Persone - Meeting

This is why every year we involve qualified professionals to set up training and refresher courses for employees in any division, whether they are operational or managerial figures.

In the company we also invest time and energy in internal training: senior figures are the point of reference for younger staff and new recruits. New recruits are welcomed and accompanied immediately on a path of professional growth aimed at sharing the company culture and developing technical skills.

We are dedicated to training on topics that are of primary importance to us to help the growth of our resources:

  • Management and soft skills training plans
  • Collective and individual coaching plans
  • Occupational safety training
  • Food safety training
  • Technical training
  • Quality training
  • Environmental training